I'm was working on a post about ringtones and the size of the market and how after reading an article in The New Yorker last week I finally understood what had created a multi-billion dollar market from 25 second $2 clips and, how I now understand that they are part of taking a common item and customizing it like the billion dollar market in wheel hubs, which has also eluded me, when I discovered that am somewhat obsessed over finding a particular pair of sneakers. Killing time in SOHO the other night I went into the Adidas Store and asked to try on a pair of sneakers. They only had them in size 7 and 10 1/2. This has led to my looking online at various coolhunting and sneaker websites. Now it seems to be an unwritten rule that all sneaker sites have t-shirt components, so now, naturally, I am looking at a large number of t-shirt sites and have discovered a form of subscriptions I never knew about. T-Shirt subscriptions.
http://www.kadorable.com/ (via coolhunting.com) and
http://www.threadless.com/12club (via kottke - a micropatron gift they are his official habadashery.)