Al Gore and Google - "The Smart Money behind video blogging". Article in Business 2.0 about the upcoming industry/meme.
Susan Mernit posts several conference powerpoint presentations about search. Very interesting one from Tom Wilde of about content search on the web.
Yesterday I received a press release about the launch of a new social network search engine/site. Haven't had a chance to play with it but looks interesting.
Speculation from a Curbed reader on whether Jonathan Safran Foer really paid for his new brownstone. which the NYT Styles section credits with erasing Brooklyn's inferiority complex.
Priceless thinking from the BBC - a great article on IP and the BBC making its archives free for British citizens.
Received my first copy of Make magazine last week after waiting for 2 months. Isn't it remarkable that for the past 8 years there has been very little improvement in the speed of sub. fulfillment esp. since the web has become such a strong source of subscriptions. Inventory and process methods aside the truth is speed of delivery has no real effect on subscriptions. People make the buy and just wait. Just odd given that basically you can buy anything online and get it in a week. Make by the way is simply fantastic from the content, the memories of heath-kits it brings up for me, and its trim size.