Kottke muses on the rise in NYT traffic.
Article about the founders of Lonely Planet, Tony and Maureen Wheeler, in The New Yorker. Lonely Planet started at a different time in book publishing and the article covers how it has changed with the times as well as how they travel. Nomadic hippies they remind me of the founder of The Body Shop, Tom's of Maine, Smith & Hawken, ben & Jerry, and other businesses started in the 70's and how their companies change with success. A time when Banana Republic used to put out an illustrated catalog of travel clothing before they became the much more fashionable chain they are today.
Interesting article about the Washington Post's web site and the challenges presenting local and national news in OJR.
Kleiner Perkins funds Zazzle a company similar to cafepress , good notes from Rags Gupta about how they offer some museum and collection merchandise and how their pricing model differs from CafePress.
John Battelle on Wondir.com - answer search engine. You used to be able to call the New York Public Library for answers to anything. I just have to wonder what would have happened if they had created something like this that combined community with experts. It potentially could have contributed something to their operations budget.
Kos is wondering about which books to read on branding. There is an interesting comment thread at the bottom which is worth perusing.
NBC Tech Guru paid to promote products. This include the iPod - first does anyone really need to be paid to promote it, second what does this say about Apple?
NBC also mulling blogs by anchors just as Sam Donaldson (ex ABC) is saying that network news is dead.
Pope Joke (heard by B): 3 Cardinals die and each has an audience with God. The first Cardinal goes in and comes out a few minutes later crying "how could I have been so wrong?" The second cardinal goes in and also comes out crying "how could I have been so wrong?" Cardinal Ratzinger goes in and a few minutes later God comes out crying "how could I have been so wrong?" jokes aside and the NYT editorial.