In the 1940's and 1950's a British writer named Stephen Potter wrote several very funny guides to getting the upper-hand in different situations. They covered;"winning without actually cheating" ("Gamesmanship"); "creative intimidation" ("One-Upmanship"); and making "the other man feel that something has gone wrong, however slightly" ("Lifemanship"). I remember reading the one on gamesmanship and am convinced that my father and other men of his age with whom I've golfed have studied these books very carefully. My father is a master of the coin-in-the-pocket jiggle, which I think he does unconsciously while others are putting. He will then glare at you if you make a noise while he is putting. This seems to combine both gamesmanship and lifemanship, so there is a distinct possibility that he is a student of the entire series. These books have been recently republished and the NY Times has a really nice essay about them.
The guides were loosely based on, or certainly inspired by, Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People". Recently David Sedaris had a very funny This American Life piece about how his father made him use the techniques on his fellow sixth graders. His friends didn't take kindly to being repeatedly addressed by their first names. Surprisingly this book and its ideas live on. One of the small joys of my consulting work at iVillage is walking by the give-away table of rejected books and products sent to editors. In the pile of relationship workbooks this morning I saw a true gem, Donna Dale Carnegie's (Dale's daughter) soon to be published "How to Win Friends & Influence People for Teen Girls".
What Is There To Smile About?
It can be tough to smile and not just when you're freaked about being in a new situation. And let's face it, sometimes your life feels like the lyrics to a bad country song: you're fighting with your boyfriend, your parents want to ground you, you forgot the geometry homework, and it's only Tuesday. Actually, these are the times when smiling can help you most. Studies have shown that a smile is enough to boost your mood, even when it's fake! So if you're feeling lower than the gum on your shoe, pretending to be happy or at least forcing a smile can give you the lift you need to get through the day. Who knows? You may make someone else's day while you're at it.
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catbobcat (crossing a road in Redding, CT.) blogging