This Morning's Style section of the NY Times contains the following 2 corrections which I just find amusing.
A report in the Evening Hours column last Sunday about a performance and party sponsored by the Lincoln Center Hedge Fund Council at the Time Warner Center on April 13 misstated the sum raised for nine Lincoln Center organizations. A Lincoln Center spokesman said it was $2 million, not $200,000.
Can you imagine the furor this must have caused among such a self-important group? Was this some unconscious mistake or wish on the part of the copy editor to resize this council?
and then this right below.
An article last Sunday about custom CD's created as wedding favors misstated the "fair use" provision of copyright law. That provision covers uses for criticism and teaching. It does not permit a couple to make 500 or fewer copies of copyrighted material.
I second this or more accuratly 1,156th it(or "1,155 posts matching new rule no MSM sorted by most recent.") this no more use of MSM in referring to Mainstream Media. (vis Kottke)