This morning I attended a few sessions of the Knowing the World Through Sound Symposium at NYU. I wanted to see the first panel about the New York SoundMap that is being created by the NY Chapter of the American Society for Acoustic Ecology. The* NY Sound Map is a Google map mashup which links to audio clips of sound recorded in the urban environment. Nice start. They handed out a great list urban audio ecology projects that I've listed below. It really opened my ears to what a vast field and way of thinking. some people map decibel levels, others through soundwalks create more meditative experiences. The work below has already made me broaden some of the audio ideas I'm playing with. Some of the links below are very academic in nature. Ones with *'s seem to approach more of what I'm interested in.
Noise mapping concept for the uk sound map.
U of Minnesota sound map project
Soundmaps for the visually impaired
Brooklyn/Flatbush soundmap
Soundmap of a house
* Berlin Soundmap
* The Sonic Memorial Project
*Tony Round Soundmap
*Toronto Island Soundmap
Ultra-red Sounding the Naked City
* SoundTransit
*Puget Sound Soundscape - yes that means unbderwater sounds!
* NE Scotland Soundscape - including some background noise from one of my favorite distilleries.