Million dollar home page sells out. (via Rocketboom)
Paid content reports that digital magazine company Olive raises more money.
Web 2.0 quiz (via Corante)
J.D. Lasica's Top 10 Tech Transformations of 2005
My friend David is guest reblogging at eyebeam for the next two weeks. Reblog is a phenomenal app that is going to make some news in 2006.
Is Flickr acting weird for you? That's because the servers are running HOT right now. ( Here's what to do ) - Just saw this message at the top of Flickr. Hot?
A nice idea for a bibliography creation system from Seth Godin. I would add to this the ability for people to create digital versions of bibliographies for books they like. I'd love a fast way to see some of the books that Dylan mentions in Chronicles (I was going to do this a blog post last year but got lazy) and the Rebecca Solnit book about getting lost.
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catbobcat (crossing a road in Redding, CT.) blogging