Yahoo acquires webjay. Now I have to admit I've never been to this site but it looks great- shared music playlists. A music and video so add that to the flickr, purchases and I can see that I'm getting pulled closer and closer to finding myself on a really useful profile page. (via John Battelle
Interesting dialogue Jakob Neilson's post Search Engines as Leeches on the Web and counter from Danny Sullivan on Search Engine Watch. (also via Battelle what can I say I'm using a news reader)
Don't blow your beta on Tech Crunch. Really good post about rolling out new products. I've been thinking about this a lot as I'm trying to move on some things where most but not all of the functionality is there. Do you wait or not? What is good enough to start with and what will come back to haunt you?
B was busy tonight so I indulged myself on my way home with one of my favorite meals of all time; a dozen oysters, creamed spinach and a great beer at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central. If you haven't tried it you should. The counter, the anonymity in the bustle, the Guastavino tiles, and the history make it one of my favorite places.
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catbobcat (crossing a road in Redding, CT.) blogging