China bans human/cartoon interaction. "Chinese regulatory authorities are notoriously
skittish regarding broadcast and film themes that include the supernatural or fantasy, including talking animals. "Babe" was banned on the basis that animals can't talk and some viewers would be confused." (via HuffingtonPost)
First cartoons now remixed London Tube maps with anagrammed station names are pulled down. Never fear mirroring is here. (via BoingBoing)
Acoording to this article Yahoo is banning names with allah in them like Callahan. "
Also in Britain it seem Yahoo! may be banning the use of allah in email names - even if the letters are included within another name. "This was uncovered by Reg reader Ed Callahan whose mother Linda Callahan was trying to sign up for a Verizon email address. She could not get it to accept her surname....Enquiries to Verizon revealed that a partnership with Yahoo! was to blame. Yahoo! will not accept any identies which include the letters "allah"....A spokesman for Yahoo! UK said: "This sounds like a glitch. But we will get back to Ed and Lindy Callahan with a full answer as soon as possible.""
Also on the subject of the Great British an Article about how Prince Charles regards himself as a political dissident. Also a very nice Che/Prince Charles graphic.
Slate does 700,000 podcast downloads a month.
Lately, I've taken my eye off of Waterfront Media, a company that I used to follow with great interest. I learned today that the moment I stopped paying attention they went out and did two big deals one for the self-help titles of Harper Collins and another for two Meredith Magazines. I also see that my friends at RedJam Media (an aspiring Waterfront) have quietly launched Younger Next Year based on a Workman title of the same name.
Lastly, the fact that google has just lost a lawsuit about it's image search to a porn company is very interesting. The ability to search google images on a cell returns a thumbnail which is the same thing the "artistic photo" company sells to cell phone subscriber. It will be interesting to see what the ramifications are.
Okay back to channeling my cat's thoughts on her blog at catster. chicken, chicken, chicken, nap...chicken