A post by Brent Gustafason on the Walker Art Center blog about wrestling with the definition of podcasts. He seems to have reached some of the same conclusions about the term as I have;
I kept getting stuck in the notion that if the idea of podcasting was to broadcast new “radio shows”, then letting someone randomly select artist interviews to listen to wasn’t the same as a podcast. But really all a podcast is is a list of MP3s one can download, they don’t neccesarily have to be in order, or flow together, or be time sensitive. When thought of like this it makes more sense. We can publish our entire list of available artist stops online in our podcast RSS, and people can then select which works interest them, and only download those specific MP3s. So the idea still works.
But we don’t want to limit the ability to recieve these MP3s to podcasts or podcast software. So in addition to building a podcast RSS feed for people to use, we’re going to build an index list online in the Art on Call website, for people to check off which work MP3s they want to download and then let them take those files and put it into their iPod from the web itself. This gives people without a podcast reader, or iTunes, or even an iPod, a way to get the same audio from our website. In reality, we’re just distributing MP3s, so why not give people some different options on how to recieve them?
Hmm, he also seems to be building something that sounds familiar but that is happily not the same as something I am building...
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catbobcat (crossing a road in Redding, CT.) blogging