This morning I quickly put together an updated version of my resume and got great feedback on the changes but I also was told that I wrote that I've been in my current role since June of '08 so in the words of the person who told me, I am in fact working in the future which is very Web 3.0 even 4.0.
It is exhausting talking about one's career to strangers and afterward it often leaves me a little sad. I go over possible mistakes, I think of Voyager closing, the fact that I left Hearst too soon, Workman too soon, didn't start this or that. It opens a door to too many uses of the word "should have" and I find I need to be careful to shut that down. It is what it is. Would I do it differently possibly but then I might not have B and W waiting for me at home and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
I don't like being told I'm too senior for things or too junior for other things.
Putting it out there on Facebook has led to a few nice notes and leads.