Last night I went to Hank's Saloon for Kuntry Karaoke night with a few friends. The highlight of the night, and in fact of a long week, was Mike's recitation of Red Sovine's TeddyBear. Apparently he memorized this song while working in a Post Office in NJ. when he was a teenager. Hearing this over and over might make someone go postal but the fact that he memorized this and gave such a spirited performance was inspiring. Here is a link to the fine song.
For my part it took me back to fine memories of my father talking on a CB Radio while driving up the Merritt Parkway to CT in our brown Lincoln Continental. I think we were all cringing in the back. Don't remember his handle though I imagine something like this..."Breaker, breaker one nine this is the Jew Canoe. Passing Darien now any Smokeys up around Norwalk?"