Today Brownstoner launched a directory for local resources that can help if you are renovating or involved with any aspect of real estate from contractors and designers, to lawyers and real estate brokers. It is a paid directory. Businesses can sign up for basic listings or more full blown mini-sites on which they can collect leads, post photos, and in one case even an employment form. These pages because they are associated with Brownstoner and coded with some SEO care should do better in search than the websites of these small businesses. It is a model of a product that could bring revenue to local and specialized sites steeped in a long print and web tradition that should be a nice revenue source for the smaller publisher and give them the ability to create packages with low to medium effort. It is also something that I am really pleased to have created over the summer with my friend Kael Goodman at Blankslate. Hopefully other sites both local and vertical will take advantage of it.