Site vs. stream
Jay: "The web is detaching itself from web 'site' and it's becoming 'stream.'"
Dave: "If that's true, how do we get this thing to open up? It's not good enough for me to be dumping stuff into Twitter space and then complaining later than they don't own it. Because they do own it."
Jay: Maybe it will take an user revolt like what happened at Digg in 2007.
Dave: Why didn't the Suggested Users List trigger something like that? "The way Twitter is organized, it tends to dissipate those things."
Jeff: "Things die out so quickly.... The half life of an idea on Twitter is about six minutes... That's what we have to solve here."
Dave: If Twitter was an open web-based system we could fix these things.
Jeff: "The blogosphere has the permanence that Twitter doesn't have. It's the old page web, the SEO web.... Use Twitter to feed something, if Twitter is the end in itself, we're screwed. We're putting things into this dispersed cloud that disappears."