I got stuck in the storm/tornado in Park Slope, on 9th Street between 4th and 5th Aves. As soon as I crossed 4th Ave heading toward 5th, the rain became torrential and the wind, so intense that that , within seconds, it was a struggle to walk. In fact, there were times when it was almost impossible to walk. It was also hard to see; it was dark and the rain was so heavy. A few times, I had to close my eyes because the wind and rain were so violent. Things were flying overhead. Some giant green thing — I have no idea what it was — flew toward me and I ducked. I coudln’t beleive what was happening. Two people in front of me and I were thrown against a chain link fence near the intersection of 5th Ave and 9th St. We finally got to an ice cream /donut shop at the corner and got inside. It was terrifying. I’ve never been through a storm like that in the city before.
via cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com
The NYT collecting great reports and photos from the storm/tornado that hit Park Slope.
Two big trees down on my block are down, one crushing a car, the other in a house. I missed it and luckily B & W were inside, unlike the person who sent in the harrowing report above.