Guardian launches commentisfree... <¹>(via who says it is somewhat like a British version of the HuffingtonPost)
WeSmirch - gossip aggregator (via Susan Mernit)
On the subject of aggregators, it looks like Fox has not (yet) acquired Dogster. Instead the acquired company Newroo a still in alpha company, that according to TechCrunch, has "NewRoo is a real-time news aggregator that allows users to create their own customized news and content pages."
I'm fond of the nav bar on The Independent, and I think it might be SEO friendly as well.
You will see a Pandora widget on the sidebar. I added it yesterday. I'm listening to Pandora and trying to get it to make a great Elvis Costello station. The song listed as a favorite is a cover of Start Me Up as played by the Folksmen on the "A Mighty Wind" soundtrack. It's very funny as they repeat the last line over and over in harmony. Pandora announced that it can be streamed on a Squeezbox so we are also thinking of getting one for home, so we can listen to it on our stereo. What a great name for a product, great Who song.
Lastly, for those of you who may have missed it Sandra Day O'Conner gave a speech recently in which she said that the US risked edging near towards dictatorship.
1. David - not a Typo. That is the way they are spelling it
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catbobcat (crossing a road in Redding, CT.) blogging