Updated account of Cindy Sheehan's arrest for wearing an anti-war t-shirt to the State of The Union Address.
Cindy Sheehan's account of what happened. No banner unfurled, just a shirt with a number.
PaidContent transcribes some rally interesting comments by the brilliant Esther Dyson on community, social media, and cell phones at the SIIA conference.
Satire is hard. I'm listening to WNYC and their State of the Union slam. Not so funny.
Article about the fact that auto publications have been made nearly obsolete by the Internet. Has music also made music publications obsolete? Possibly. So I guess the question is wheter these brands can leverage their names online. Can RollingStone compete with MySpace, independent music blogs, and livefm and Pandora, etc.?
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catbobcat (crossing a road in Redding, CT.) blogging